Monday, October 31, 2011

Be still and know

I am growing older every day, every moment. I am reminded from the Word, that my best days are yet to come; a difficult concept to grasp. Milestones are passing at an alarming rate; firsts that I can never get back. I do know that I have gained more wisdom, perspective, and compassion with age. As my body continues to decline my mind is being refined, transformed even.  I can only imagine that my pride will continue to die with the passing days. Life has a way of knocking you down to size. I want to be careful to walk the line between defeat and humility. I am glad to know I know nothing. I hope never to say I can do nothing, for I have been justified by his grace, that I may become an heir having the hope of eternal life. I want to always walk toward my full potential imprinted on me by my Creator and live content with my present circumstances for this is the will of God. A delicate balance, I am sure of it.

For now, in this season, I am aiming to glorify God in the everyday; holding babies, cooking dinner, filing papers, changing diapers, loving my husband, cleaning the house, eating healthy, smiling at a stranger, praying for others, doing good, sharing, giving baths, folding laundry... do it all to the glory of God.

Help me with this Lord. In the season of no titles, little recognition, and not a ton of excitement, let my life be a sweet fragrance to you. As my days pass me by let my mind grasp my purpose is not to glorify myself but to glorify you. I still want to shine bright, but I want to shine bright with the beauty of my Lord. I desire your Spirit within me to be so strong and overwhelming it seeps out of my pores to change the climate of the room, the city, the nation, the world I live in. I want your banner of love over me to reach a thousand miles long and wide to envelope the surrounding people with an invitation to your banqueting table. I want deep wells of peace and love to share with a broken and violent world. Let the days that lie ahead, however few or many they may be, increase in the power of Love. Today in this moment I fall so short and need your help. I am willing. Use my hands and feet as your own. Sing through my lips the love songs of old, the One that you sang before the foundations of time. Never leave me empty for I do not draw on strength of my own but from living waters in the deep mystery of Your heart.

Be still and know.

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