Tuesday, August 23, 2011

September is my Favorite Month


I just need to get that out there on the outset. There is something so exciting to me about this month. I don't know if it is from years of anticipation of school beginning and the preparation of laying out the perfect outfit, having a new back pack full of new supplies, and the prospect of new friends (yes I am a bit on the nerdy side). Maybe it is because it represents the beginning of a fabulous season filled with celebrations on each and every month until spring. September gets my creative juices flowing. I want to start fresh, bake things from scratch, create handmade cards, enjoy the harvest, dress up, sing. 
Summer lovers you may want to avert your eyes... I love feeling the cool weather creeping back in. I am excited about fall clothes, and hats, and coats. I am looking forward to turning leaves, and crisp air, drinking a hot beverage without sweating. Strangely enough, I don't care one bit about football. I like the events though. I am going to break out my pumpkin spice and cranberry candles and welcome my friend September in with a warm mug of apple cider. I love fall!

Did you know September is National Preparedness Month? Maybe that is why I want to organize everything. September also hosts these other fine holidays:
5th- Labor Day
11th- National Granparents Day
19th- National Talk Like a Pirate Day
21st- International Day of Peace
I mean how could you not love September?

Is anybody with me or do I live in the land of beach bum, sun worshipping, mourners of summer? If you are a fall fanatic, lets get together and be festive. Apple picking anyone?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

God is good all the time? (A humble quest for truth)

I struggle with understanding God's goodness. I almost can't type that knowing other people will read it, but I usually live by honesty is the best policy.
Today I burst into uncontrollable tears at my desk at work (good thing I am alone most of the time) after reading another bloggers post about how she has lost two of her three children to a disease called SMA. I don't know these people and I am just making a mess of myself here this morning. Also my sister is in the hospital watching her brand new baby girl go into surgery for spina bifida. It seems I have heard a lot of tough stories lately and sometimes I have the faith to say, "God is good". Today I was surprised by the pain in my heart and the question in my mind as I read this fellow mom's, but otherwise stranger's, blog; "Why do you let bad things happen?" " Do you let bad things happen?" I am unsure of the theology behind how this works and it does bug me.  I have grown more conservative and humble in my years as a Christian and am at  the point where I just have to believe he is good and there are things I can't understand. As a control freak that sometimes gets to me and shakes me to the core.
Maybe I am just older, or more sensitive because I am a mom, or maybe I am closer to the heart of God than before, but all I know is in the past year I have cried my fair share of heart wrenching sobs (read ugly cry) over complete strangers stories. It is exhausting! On one hand I know that we live in a broken world and there are consequences for that. I know that as a child of God I am to stand in the gap in prayer for the hurting, the lost, the disenfranchised, the forgotten. On the other hand I feel like a little girl looking to her big strong daddy for help and wondering why his hands are tied.
I am not a theologian. I do however do a fair share of reading and I have read plenty of perspectives on this subject, some encouraging some maddening. I am unsure of the theology behind how God's justice works and it does bug me.  I have grown more conservative and humble in my years as a Christian and am at  the point where I lean more to the side of just believing He is good and there are things I can't understand. As a control freak that sometimes gets to me and shakes me to the core. Especially when the rubber meets the road in tough reality.
I write this post mainly to open a healthy conversation, and to remind you all to pray continually. There is so much work to be done in the prayer closet and I know I tire too quickly. If we stand together I believe the load becomes lighter.
I will lead you with an excerpt from a blog written by a much more accomplished and wise man than I, the way he puts it makes sense to me and gives me perspective.
This life counts with God. What we decide about him here leads to how God responds to us in judgment. Once we are dead, the door is shut and the book is closed. Is this harsh? Only if one decides that God sending Jesus, His son, to die for us, take our place, and offer us the free gift of his saving grace if we will only receive Him and His gift is not good enough for God's creatures. There is nothing harsh about the offer of the gospel–or its consequences for rejecting it. There is only tragedy if one refuses to accept God's gracious way of salvation that we cannot make happen for ourselves on our own work or strength anyway." Dr. Darrell Bock (read more of his blog here)
As I quietly half discussed tragedy in my heart with God, He reminded me He not only lost His son but watched Him go through a great deal of suffering. I am humbled by that and my heart rests again in the fact that His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are high above mine.  Isaiah 55:9

What are you thoughts or experiences on the goodness of God?

Lord here my prayer...
Alyssa Love
The Manross Family
The Molina Family
Anna Destiny
The Orphans
The Battered Woman
The Homeless
Our Country and President
Pastor Dan

Lord I am one small heart yearning for your kingdom. My vision and influence are small but I am here. Lend your ear to your weak, broken servant, and bring Your Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven. In Jesus name. Amen.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I asked for a house and I got a temple.

Glass half empty: I live in a 1000 sqft condo, up a flight of stairs, surrounded on three sides by other people. I have no yard, and my porch view is of another condo complex. I want more children. My home has only two bedrooms.

Glass half full: I have a nice, clean, cool home to live in. The rent is very affordable. I get to take a hot shower every day, my water is clean, my fridge is full, and my family is happy and healthy.

I realize we all oscillate between wanting more and struggling to be satisfied, the above is an example of my daily internal monologue. You see, I have been dreaming of home owner ship for somewhere around two years now. We had even gone so far as to pre-qualify and try to take advantage of that ridiculous tax credit, much to no avail. It seems all my friends were able to buy homes, and I have found myself more often than not wallowing in self pity. With half prayers that go a little something like this...
"I work hard, I am an honest, faithful person. Is it too much to ask to just want a place to call my own, where I can plant some roots, and make a safe place for my family to grow?"
A reasonable request I have often thought to myself. The desire for a house is not bad in and of itself, I know, but lately the smallness of my dream has struck me as sad.
My husband and I are working our butts off day in and day out to OWN A HOME! Is that all? That is the biggest dream I can manage? That is what my entire life's work will amount to? Surely not! I think it is time to expand the vision.
With impaired vision, I ask for a house with a yard, and my loving Father points out He has already made me a Temple. I ask for friendly neighbors, and He reminds me that He dwells with me Himself. So instead of packing up moving boxes, I have a broom in head to sweep out the corners of my heart in preparation for a coming King. I want this bodily household to be a ready place for the Spirit to dwell. I want the curb appeal to be off the charts, and for all to feel welcome. I want the man of the house to be seated in His rightful place.

I know the chores are daily and may even get monotonous but today I have the fervor of a spring cleaning momma. Who is cleaning house with me?

1Corinthians 6:19 "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? you are not your own;"