Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Normal People's Movement

I often think of how if we could just figure out how to use what we have for the "common good" so many issues would be resolved. I understand that there are many levels to the working out of this thought but a few simple ideas.
-Instead of retiring to golf courses and shopping why not use what you have learned and earned to give an orphan a fresh start.
-Instead of having 2 guest rooms, 2 living rooms, and 3 bathrooms, why not give one to a foster child.
-Instead of throwing away endless leftovers every week, why not invite a less fortunate to your table and maybe learn something by listening to them.
-Instead of spending endless hours on facebook, twitter, pinterest, angry birds, etc. why not use your smart phone to call someone and encourage them.
- Instead of throwing away all the things you don't need, donate them or personally find a new home for them.
- Instead of going shopping every time you need a small thrill, save the money and buy a family a goat, some grain, some clean water.
- Instead of being in your own world and wearing a stern face, hand out smile freely and know they do make a difference whether you get to see it or not.
- Instead of throwing everything away, find a way to recycle, make it your challenge to see if you can recycle more than you toss.
- Plant something, be amazed as it grows. If you can eat what grows it will be even more awesome.
- Instead of wondering how and if you can change the world, start with your neighbors. Maybe we should start borrowing a cup of sugar or an egg again. Bake something and bring it over.

* Note: I feel very convicted as I write this and plan to check some of these things off my list. I am signing up in support of Kony 2012 for starters.
* Also, this is not a post of condemnation or guilt but of empowerment. We all have so much power and it is the biggest lie to believe otherwise. Use what is in your hand, change the world, and save lives. Live in the freedom and power that was bought for you on the cross. If you don't know what that means, I would be so thrilled to share it with you.


My body won't do what my mind dreams

I am a type A personality, a planner, a list maker, a perfectionist. All of this has been matched by my energy level up until a few years ago when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I was personally devastated at the thought of having to take a pill every single day just to remain "normal". Years into the diagnosis and four increases in dosage I am more disappointed that despite my medicine and my best efforts to live healthfully, I feel like a 90 year old woman. I am sure being a mother and not getting solid sleep for over two years does not help in this department but I am just at the end of my rope.
I pray for God to heal it, I wonder if this is a lesson I must learn, I try with sheer will power to move through my coma like lethargy, and sometimes I just cry because I don't know what else to do. I am in the teary phase right now, thus the post, as I am sure not many will be interested in my health problems. This is more for my sanity.
I am terrible at accepting grace, not having a definitive answer, and being out of control. So I am leaning more towards thinking I am in the midst of a big lesson. My mind plans and dreams in the prison of a mocking body. My biggest challenge is to continue to encourage my soul to continue to dream, to do what I can, and to accept grace for the things I can't. I have to keep hope alive that I don't have to just lay down and accept that this is the way I will always feel. I believe in the Creator of cells, bones, muscles, and hormones, and the order He commands of them. Until that order comes I pray that my mind and soul will have the fortitude to glorify Him despite my body's complaining. I want to feel the strength and might of my Creator flowing through me fully knowing it is no effort of my own. I want just enough energy to do exactly His will and to share His love to my fullest capacity.

Things I want to do:
Bake the kids at the bus stop muffins and give them and ear to listen.
Host worship nights at my house.
Spend time with my husband after 8pm.
Make healthy meals for my family.
Wake up for prayer in the morning.
Sew- something/anything.
Take a class online.
Keep my housework caught up.
Do creative activities with my little sponge.
Sleep through the night.
Wake up refreshed and ready to go.
Volunteer at church.
Foster children.
Rock and snuggle orphans.
Smile more.
Get through a month without pain relievers.
Practice music (get a drum set).
Explore more.
Random acts of kindness.
Read more books.