Monday, June 13, 2011

Losing my job was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Some of you may well know, I was laid off a couple of weeks ago. I was surprisingly not devastated. I owe that to the grace of God. My husband on the other hand gave me the silent somber response when I shared the news. That, I think is far worse than yelling and stomping around. So the first few days were a bit shaky and scary but I still had a hope and excitement in my heart. I humbly applied for unemployment wondering if it was even worth it (you have to reapply every week). Turns out the government wanted to give me a raise to be a stay at home mom and domestic goddess. Thank you very much! Side note: I wonder why so many people abuse the government systems?

So, with a bit of the pressure off, and some God given time, I began to make lists of all the things that have been put on the back burner. Blogging, baking, arts & crafts, reorganizing my pantry, having dinner ready for the hubby each night, a more structured schedule for my little one, the list really is ever growing. I am busier than I ever have been and not doing anything of much consequence but I am more fulfilled in an apron with my child climbing my legs than I ever have been before.

I find great solace in the traditional female role. I feel I was created for it. I know this may not be for everyone  but, in todays social climate, I find myself feeling the need to explain my worth as a stay at home mom. I see a bit of question in people's eyes when they realize I don't have a degree and may not ever have one, or a dream of a budding career. I simply long to keep a peaceful, orderly, God glorifying home. I want my children to be my legacy and my husband to feel well loved. I want my talent and brains to be poured out right in my very own kitchen and living room not the corporate conference room. I want my rewards and accolades to be macaroni necklaces, and finger painted master pieces. I want my retirement package to include children turned self sustaining adults, compassionate profound human beings, and passionate pursuers of Christ.
Even if my present position only lasts a short while, I want to be the best *cussin stay at home mom I could ever be.

*The Fantastic Mr. Fox reference (watch it, it is clever)

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