Thursday, November 5, 2015

What do stay at home moms do all day?

A couple of days ago I did a voice memo for every 15 minutes of my day. I often get to the end of the day and wonder what I accomplished but mostly just see what I did not get done. Mind you this was a Sunday, our "day of rest". Needless to say I am not trying to be intentional, thanks to the recommendation of a great friend, for "me days". They are not selfish, they are not indulgent, they are necessary on the job precautions. If your day looks anything like this please try to find a way to take time out to recharge, refresh and listen to the creator of your day. If you have people in your life that don't understand what you do with "ALL YOUR TIME" maybe you should do a job report of your day. This was also eye opening for me to see if I do really waste time or what I can cut out or add in. Just a little bit of accountability for everyone. Hope you feel seen and encouraged by reading a little bit of my crazy. 

645 wake up to #2 asking for juice and #3 wanting to nurse
let the dog out get juice and milk for the girls make coffee
715 asked the girls to feed the dog end up feeding him myself ask them to get ready for church they tell me they don't want to go make breakfast for the girls change the clocks because I'm confused
730 make breakfast for the baby pour cream of wheat instead of baby cereal start over feed the baby drink my coffee watch curious George Halloween for the hundredth time
745 check Facebook change from Halloween to Thanksgiving flag eat my breakfast
8 o'clock scratch eating breakfast change a major blowout realize baby needs a bath instead get #3 ready for church

815 trying decide whether I want to choose a healthy breakfast or something fast settle on whole wheat bagel with peanut butter banana hemp hearts coconut and honey sit down to eat baby cries nurse baby while eating breakfast 
830 share breakfast with all of your 
children get #2 ready for church
845 talk to husband on phone nurse baby to sleep check Facebook
9 o'clock to try to get yourself ready with 1000 interruptions baby crying Fiona has to poop wipe but partially do your make up let dog out put dog away get everyone in car frantically pack bag to make sure you have enough of everything for everyone
930 time to go can't finish everything you need to
house is a mess didn't get to clean up from breakfast headed to church
talk to a friend about children's church on the ride to church
10 to 12 o'clock refreshing church service all kids in care (I forced Fiona and heard her crying down the hall but I just needed a break)
1230 lunch at Wendy's thanks to Papa Fiona pooped in the potty in the car (collect poop with a doggy bag wipe butt find a trashcan)
1 o'clock drive to MacArthur mall return lip stain at Sephora (try to explain problem to associate while kids touch everything and ask for lipstick 456 times)
visit CeCe at her grand opening at Garden Gazebo get a drink to share at Bon Pan
let kids play at the play place
Take all the kids to the bathroom (Fiona is doing a great job potty training)
4 o'clock we are back home #2 and #3are sleeping Simone will have quiet time
415 bathroom break for me (just kidding baby is crying awake)
430 watch how to get away with murder on nursing a baby
530 make dinner for everyone
630 baby is asleep i'm having a cuppa coffee
645 Fiona has an accident cleanup bathroom floor fold two loads of laundry
715 Rock baby back to sleep daddy is home

I stopped at this point but my parenting continues through the rest of the night with wake ups from all 3 which means I never get good sleep and this starts all over the next  day. Anyone working this schedule for any length of time would be run ragged. While I love being a mom and the blessing my family is is not lost on me. I am starting to recognize that I also need to be taken care of and that is only going to happen if I am intentional.

Let me know if you have any suggestions or tried and true methods to get recharged and feel human. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Finding Yourself Right Where You Are

I have three beautiful daughters a lovely home a devoted husband and a lot of my angst and philosophical questioning has given way to practicalities. Still, in the midst of seeming endless dirty dishes and poopy diapers, I sometimes find myself still very unsettled. The days where all I can do is lock my two oldest outside to "play" and put the baby in the crib to "sleep" and go cry in my room so I can't hear anyone else cry, I ask myself and God many questions. Questions of purpose, questions or worth and of whether I am failing miserably or if He is still even listening. I indulge myself a few minutes to collect myself so the old man doesn't rear his ugly head. But lately I have been finding those moments happen far more often and the indulgent few moments not being enough.

I had been praying for provision and purpose putting far too many irons in the fire to help ends meet and my heart fill, mostly in vain. Then through a series of seemingly unassuming events, I discovered a hidden talent, passion and additional income all in one.

It started with a set of cheap face paints a dear friend gave to me and two very eager little girls that wanted to become a new character EVERY DAY. At first I was doing it to appease them, then I found myself getting frustrated that my canvas wouldn't sit still for long and I couldn't add as much detail as I wanted to perfect the rainbow butterfly princess fairy.

Then my mother was nice enough to let me raid her huge barn full of junk (umm I mean treasure) and list it on Craigslist to get some extra money. I started with the big furniture pieces to get them out of the way to look through the more collectible pieces. I had an idea to spruce up a few pieces with some spray paint and I quickly made a few extra hundred dollars. Then I discovered a huge lot of old beautiful windows and thought I could paint family signs or something of the sort for the holidays or as presents.  I had some dollar store paintbrushes and five colors of acrylic paint leftover from a Father's Day project and thought, "anyone can paint letters right?" So I put some feelers out on social media and nobody really bit. I laid in bed one night counting the bills that were unpaid and the lack of opportunity and started to tumble down that rabbit hole of self pity. And I am not sure exactly  the timeline of things but I got a harebrained idea that I wanted to paint a mermaid for my sister for her birthday on a window. I spent hours into the night searching for inspiration as the rest of my house slept and the next morning I awoke and neglected most of my responsibilities to get this idea out of my head and onto the window. The process was so pleasurable and the finished product wasn't half bad. I had a second window and a little more paint left and my second mermaid came to life.

I was amazed at the nearness of God as I painted and the hushed conversation in my mind of creation and detail and personality.  It is incredibly difficult to replicate the human figure, far more complicated to think of something so creative and beautiful out of nothing. I watched this creation come to life and I felt a pride and a wonder about her. I thought of my children and even myself and the creative detailed process that went into making my inmost being. The Father was teaching me his heart and sharing his creative genius.

Soon I was getting such positive feedback on my art. Next thing you know people are commissioning me to do specific pieces. Isn't God hilarious? Here I am, a stay at home mom, with no degree, no art training and a yearning in my heart. He took the junk laying around my house and the little bits of time in my life and made an artist out of me and provided for my family.

Make your requests known to God, open the box of possibilities, and be diligent with what you already have and watch some magic happen. Who knows what hidden talents we all have waiting to be ignited by the creator of the Universe. Watch Him make room for the gifts He has given you. God sees you right where you are, let Him redefine your understanding of yourself and your circumstances.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

What Romance Looks Like Three Kids, a Mortgage, and a Minivan Later

When I was single I had grandiose ideas of what marriage and parenting should look like. Since I wasn't demonstrated these things at home well, I decided I would just do the complete opposite and add a dash of a Hollywood romcom or two. Turns out real life doesn't work that way and despite your best efforts, being a grown up is way tougher than anyone can prepare you for.

Now that I am in a new decade I am starting to TRY to appreciate what is right in front of me and not what I don't have. Most of life hinges on perspective. So here is a list of what romance might look like after you say I do, the honeymoon is over and nobody is sending anymore gifts for growing up.

1. Husband in robe holding crying child cleaning dishes
2. Coming home from 12 hour shift to toast freezer waffles so you can get ten extra minutes of sleep
3. Remembering you like vinegar with your fries at Five Guys even though its been ages since you have been there or had any date at all
4. Wearing any child in any carrier
5. Still grabbing your jiggly bits even though they have gone quite a bit softer and farther south
6. Giving you the red and clear gummy bears out of the pack
7. Attending to your ugliest body malfunctions after childbirth
8. Remembering how you like your coffee and bringing it to you even if you will never drink the whole mug hot because of a zillion screaming children
9. Keeping the kids busy while you put on your make up alone for two and a half minutes
10. Taking the diaper genie out after you have overstuffed it because you are just too exhausted to take the extra steps to the trash can

I could do this all day folks. The fact is we are in a tough season with three little ones and never enough money to stretch or time to spend. The choice I'm faced with daily is to find the romance in this season in our real lives. The fact of the matter is the romance really is truer and sweeter because you have seen the worst of each other and you still choose to do the little selfless things to hint to the other that your vows still stand and you still find the other totally HOT!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

How to Get 8 Men You've Never Met to Attend Your Birth

*Disclaimer: This birth story starts 2 weeks before the real action happens, so if you want to skip ahead I don't blame you.

*This story contains details of bodily functions pertaining to birth (it is nothing like T.V.) read at your own discretion

Feb 19: I went in for my routine 37 week check up. I was informed my blood pressure was elevate and there was protein in my urine. I was informed about the signs and symptoms of preeclampsia and the possibility they would need to induce if things worsened. My cervix was soft but high and closed.

Feb 20: Follow up with a 24 hour urine collection and labs. Blood pressure was down and there was only trace protein labs looked good.

Feb 22: Went to L&D for monitoring for decreased fetal movement. Baby was fine, blood pressure was slightly elevated, trace protein. I could feel mild wrapping contractions coming about every 10 minutes and spotted them on the monitor. Cervix was checked and nurse reported I was at a 1. I was sent home and that night was woken up by uncomfortable contractions that were about 5 minutes apart for an hour and then disappeared.

Feb 23: I was uncomfortable and had contractions at no regular interval for a good portion of the day. Nothing ever developed into a pattern.

The rest of the week it was a similar story, contractions at varying degrees of intensity, duration and frequency much to no avail. My glorious wonderful mother came over many times to let me rest and to be prepared if things transitioned into the real thing. The house stayed clean, the bags were packed and the question on everyone's mind was, is this real labor. It was exhausting and frustrating and confusing.

Feb 27: I go in for my 38 week check up to find all had not been in vain, I was 3cm dilated 60% effaced and baby was at -1 station. My doctor stripped my membranes and told me maybe should would see me this weekend but it could be a couple weeks. I left feeling hopeful and accomplished.

Feb 28: We took the girls to the mall to burn some energy and help get rid of cabin fever. I left them in the play area to go and "walk". I mostly just worked up a sweat and got many concerned glances at my huffing a puffing and giant bellied waddling self. After I thoroughly wore myself out and the girls were tired we went home to rest. I was pleasantly surprised to find I had walked my mucus plug right out and once again thought to myself maybe this is the night. I had contractions through the night but they were very manageable.

March 1: We postponed my baby shower in case things picked up. This day was pretty uneventful and I kind of regretted not having the distraction of the social event.

March 2: I slept through the night without any troubles. I woke up with energy and motivation. I did my hair put on makeup cleaned ran errands etc. I don't think I had any contractions at all that day.

March 3: My mom came over to take care of the girls. I scheduled a prenatal massage and was missing that gusto I had the day before. The massage therapist used accupressure to try to help get things going and just helped me get nice and relaxed. It was business as usual until a pretty strong contraction woke me up and were followed by decreasingly strong contractions every about 10-15 minutes. I got out of bed had a snack and a drink and timed them hoping this would be it since my mom had spent the night.

March 4: I woke up discouraged and tired. I was just so sick of wondering and waiting and guessing that I determined I wasn't going to care until I just couldn't handle the pain anymore and then I would know it was the real thing. I called the chiropractor to see if they had an opening thinking maybe the baby was having a hard time engaging. I was having some contractions that required a little more focus than usual but didn't seem terribly regular. I helped get Simone ready for school. Daniel packed up both girls and my mom and I traveled to Portsmouth to the chiropractor. I had a contraction when I was checking in and the receptionist asked if I was ok and if I was going to need the hospital. Retrospectively maybe I looked worse off than I was allowing myself to feel. The doctor was running behind and I casually glanced at the clock every time I had a contraction, they were about 15 minutes apart and I had to pee about as often. On her way out an apprenticing midwife said she overheard my situation and encouraged me to sit forward. I told her I had been avoiding it because it increased the pressure in my bottom significantly she agreed and encouraged me that was a good thing. I had my exam to assess what the plan would be and was told I would have to come back for my adjustment at 3pm. I agreed to go through the tunnel again at rush hour traffic time because I was desperate to get things going.

I went home had some lunch and discussed whether my mom should go home or not. We went back and forth back and forth because there really just seemed no way to tell. I was still having manageable contractions but my mom noticed they were getting stronger and ultimately decided to stay just in case.

Daniel took me back for my adjustment at 3 and I was beginning to not be able to talk through the contractions I was having on the way to the doctor. I thought it was because the car ride was bumpy because I had experienced them pick up every time I road in the car for the last few days. I had a great adjustment and felt some relief right away and it was a beautiful day so we decided to take a short walk near the water to see if we could pump it up a notch. I immediately noticed a strengthening intensity to my ever present contractions but still very manageable.


I tired quickly of the walking and we needed to get home. We hit the 4 o'clock tunnel traffic and my contractions were quite uncomfortable at this point. I was moaning through them with my eyes closed and didn't want to be talked to. I pulled out my contraction timer 4:35 just to get a feel for how long they were lasting and how far apart because the pressure in my bottom was increasing. None of this alarmed me much because this was very familiar territory from when I had Fiona and I was no where near the end with these signs.

As I moaned and groaned and tried to escape the pain in the car, the contractions were consistently about a minute or so long and between 8 and 9 minutes apart. All I could think was I wanted to get home to my own space and get them to 5 minutes apart for an hour so I could go to the hospital.

When we got home I went straight to my room turned on some worship music in my headphones and began to search for positions that would make me more comfortable. I was all over the place. I was rocking and standing,  on the ball, on all fours, sitting on the toilet etc. I encouraged Daniel to make dinner because the girls would be hungry and if we had to go to the hospital we would all be super hungry later.

I closed my eyes and tried to participate with what my body was doing and let the worship wash over me. The tears began to flow not so much from the pain but just the emotional exhaustion and the song that was playing "How Can It Be". I was aware of God's presence and care of me in this unique time of my connection with creating life with Him.

Then something changed and got more serious because I had to turn off the music and really focus. I was trying to find a groove or a position to help the pain/pressure. Two contractions came close together and then went back to 8 minutes. I asked Daniel to run me a bath to help with the pressure and pain. As soon as my feet hit the water everything became heightened. I tried to sit down I couldn't, I had to get out. I sat on the toilet because of the tremendous pressure. Everything was just a blur I am not sure there was much conscious thought. I just became to yell/scream until I ran out of breath and I pushed as hard as I could, I guess to find relief, from what I don't know. Finally I felt a burst and my water exploded and I had a bowl movement and immediately felt a tremendous amount of burning and pressure.

I reached down and felt something I couldn't imagine what. I remember thinking there is no way that could be her head. I yelled for Daniel to call the hospital that something was wrong and for my mom to come and look what was going on. She couldn't see anything at first and so she put a towel down in the hall and I got on all fours and she thought she saw a cord because it was pale and blue. Daniel meanwhile is on the phone with 911 and the girls are standing by freaking out because mom is in pain.

It was total chaos from here and I was in a bit of a panic because I was afraid the cord had prolapsed and I would need to hold it in until they could rush me to the hospital. Well at this point in labor your don't tell your body what to do, the urge to push was uncontrollable. Finally my mom could tell it was the head and once I knew that it was seconds before her head was fully out and body shortly to follow into my moms arms. It was such sweet relief and for a few seconds I didn't hear anything just enjoyed the relief. Then I began to hear questions passed from dispatcher to Daniel to mom about Vivienne. Sweep her mouth, is she crying, she is kind of blue and I felt the tension building. Then I just asked my mom to hand her to me through my legs and I cuddled her up to me and I knew she was ok. She was calm and peaceful and looking around. She wasn't crying but she didn't look in distress.

Then the sirens got closer and closer and one after one a bunch of men dressed in navy blue loaded into my house. It was like the clown car at the circus. I just kept looking up to see new faces I think there were 8 of them. They were asking me questions and I could feel myself leveling out because I began to joke around. They draped me with a sheet as I was stark naked because I had been trying to get in the bath. I delivered the placenta they cut the cord and gave the baby to Daniel and a team began to work with them to make sure she was ok. They collected the placenta in a bag and loaded me on the gurney placed my placenta in between my legs handed me the baby and wheeled us out to take a fancy ambulance ride to the hospital.

We only live about ten minutes away from the hospital and the rest was business as usual. They checked me out checked her out and everyone seemed fine. I just kept realizing I had had my baby at home without drugs and basically had no idea what was going on until I had a baby in my arms. She was born at roughly 6 pm and only minutes from when the contractions began to get a little closer together.

I am so grateful to God for our health and our story and that my mom did not decide to go home for the night.

P.S. They told me to wait to call the hospital when my contractions were one minute long and five minutes apart for an hour. That was my goal and that never came. Now I am one of those ladies who has an accidental home birth and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Shades of Grey

This was written Thursday March 01, 2007 long before there were 50 shades of them. There is no correlation. I was unmarried and without children.

Shades of Grey

Shades of grey make me stay
wandering wanting waiting
Circle spinning puzzle fitting
keeping my ends tattered and frayed
I pontificate and sputter
spinning gossamer safety nets
with every word I utter
Hoping with my meager efforts
I can break the fall
The peaks of faith seem far to steep
but you have gone and saved us all
Still I busy my hands and worry my head
You sit down aside me and offer me bread
to ease my soul a cup of wine
you say these
these are the ties that bind
So close your eyes
and lay your head upon my breast
For tomorrow comes another day
with all its own shades of grey

Friday, January 2, 2015

How to Shepherd a Sensitive Heart

Since I have transitioned to staying at home full time I have found an increased awareness of the importance of my role as mother. God made it pretty clear to me not too long ago that no matter what way a child is wired it is the job and the privilege of the parent to help to shepherd that into something beneficial: i.e. strong willed either equals stubborn and inflexible or a strong leader with tenacity.

My eldest is super intelligent and has a propensity towards dramatics. Her language skills are off the chart and she feels things very deeply. She is four and a half. Some of the theatrics I attribute to her age but I also recognize pieces of myself in her that I desperately want to help her navigate better than I have been able to. As I battle my own imperfections especially in the department of patience, I find myself praying for wisdom and strategies to help shepherd her unique wiring. I have recently had a small, dare I say, break through and wanted to share it for others charged with the magnificent role of raising an emotionally intense child.

It is amazing how children serve as little mirrors into your soul. As I have watched my daughter melt into tears over the tiniest offense and segregate herself from love and completely shut down, I see a reflection of myself and broken nature of a fallen world. Because I am a deep feeler, some might say I am making too much out of this, but I would rather err on the side of caution then see the problem compound and spiral out of control in the hormonally charged teen years.

It is an ongoing battle to keep up with all the demands of mundane life with patience and grace while keeping your pulse on the ever changing growth of your children. I often have to stop myself and remember that talking my preschooler through challenging emotions and thoughts is more important than crossing off the rest of my to do list. So here are a few things I have learned when interacting with an emotionally sensitive child.

Hugs go a long way. Sometimes when things have gotten particularly heated and I can feel my own patience running out and my girl spiraling out of control, I stop and say, "do you need a hug?" She generally says yes and it usually takes the threat level down a few notches. I find that when the love is plugged back in she is more receptive to my instruction and I am more open to hearing her words instead of her whining. For more on this I highly suggest reading Loving Your Kid on Purpose, it has changed some of my perspectives on the order of importance when navigating tough parenting terrain.

Schedules help to keep the number of meltdowns to a minimum. Don't read this as I let my kids run my life. I think it is important to raise flexible go with the flow kids. I also know that when I don't eat or sleep or have too much going on I am grumpy and I am a grown up. I want to set my kids up for success. So if a melt down begins to occur I often ask myself have I set my kids and myself up for failure by packing our schedule too tight, forgetting a meal (don't judge) skipping a nap time, or just been a grumpy mom because I didn't manage my own time well. My kids thrive on schedule and I get the feeling that most do. It is comforting to know what to expect and what is expected of you.

Tone of voice is key. I tell my husband all the time, there are many ways to say one thing, each will be received differently. This is so much more true, I find, with children. They are so tuned into your body language, your tone, your words, they are learning how to be human from you. Think about it they didn't even exist a few short years ago and now they are walking talking humans after a few thousand hours of observing YOU day and night. Don't let the pressure get to you.

Lastly, and this was my little breakthrough this week, be creative with the tools you give your children to navigate their growing hearts and minds. After all one day they will be doing this on their own.

My girl loves to write and draw and got a fuzzy Frozen notebook for Christmas with a pen. I was sure it would end up another forgotten toy that I would eventually throw away as a waste of money but this thing has become a priceless tool. A few nights ago as we were having the usual night time battle and tears ensued and talking wasn't working, I suggested she write down how she was feeling. I am and have always been big on journaling, so I thought, if it helps me maybe it will help her. At first she protested saying she couldn't write fancy like me and I suggested drawing pictures and then she asked me to transcribe her thoughts. At first she was at a loss. I asked her how are you feeling? She said sad and then we began to write a prayer that turned into thanksgiving and a beautiful portrait of our family and God watching over us. She then asked me to write a prayer of my own and I realized this was exactly the way it should be. As my daughter opened her heart to me I was now called to use my strength and wisdom to pray on her behalf. I spoke the words over her as I began to write them down and I felt a shift. I felt empowered and cradled by the Father all at the same time while holding my own child. We both were able to turn our worries to God together and we both felt better afterwards. I wasn't sure if this would be a one off thing or not but the next day she asked if we could do it again. Then today when she began to feel upset she said she was going to go and get her journal.

This takes a fair amount of intentionality and I do have to stop what I am doing sometimes to help her. I hope though that she will harness the power of turning her emotions over to God and it will become a habit that helps her to manager her thoughts as she grows into a young woman. I want to send her into adulthood with an arsenal full of how to extinguish the enemies arrows and glorify God despite her circumstances. I am sure there are many trials to come and tools I have yet to discover but I am glad that the Holy Spirit can inspire us, as terribly flawed parents, to hone the incredible raw treasure that comes in the form of an infant.

Does anyone else have sensitive children? What have you found that works with your soft hearted ones?